5 Watches Worn by Your Favourite Superheroes and Supervillians

5 Watches Worn by Your Favourite Superheroes and Supervillians

Source Credit: This article originally appeared on Tatler Asia by Tatler Asia. Read the original article - https://www.tatlerasia.com/style/watches/5-watches-worn-by-your-favourite-marvel-superheroes-and-supervillians

The adoptive sister of Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow, and a Red Room operative who worked for General Dreykov, Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova kicks some serious… well, you know… in the latest Black Widow film. So it makes sense this plucky teenage spy opts for a more affordable, and still powerful, G-Shock tactical ticker when she’s drop kicking her enemies.



Source Credit: This article originally appeared on Tatler Asia by Tatler Asia. Read the original article - https://www.tatlerasia.com/style/watches/5-watches-worn-by-your-favourite-marvel-superheroes-and-supervillians